Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with tutorial

Simple SCSS with 11ty

Published 24 February 2020 in archive with tags webdev , design , tutorial , beginners Since migrating my blog to DEV, I've been looking at rebuilding my website as a simple signpost to my various activities on the web, and with this I've been looking into static site generators, and focusing mostly on 11ty. Continue reading …

Debugging Docker Containers

Published 20 February 2020 in archive with tags docker , debugging , tutorial , webdev Since my post about docker and SSL made the top 7 last week, I've been thinking about things which I may possibly know but take for granted, things which may be useful to other people. There are several things I could discuss like the inner workings of containers, the more practical side of using docker, how docker elbows its way into your iptables etc, but I think for this week's post I'm going to stick to something simple, though powerful and super easy: debugging docker containers. Continue reading …

Automatic SSL with Let's Encrypt & Nginx

Published 13 February 2020 in archive with tags docker , security , architecture , tutorial See update summary at bottom of post for changelog. Continue reading …

Getting Started with Git for Windows

Published 18 April 2013 in archive with tags github , windows , tutorial , git Following on from my Installing Git for Windows post, today we're going to learn how to get started with our first repository. This is only going to cover the basics, there is much more to Git but you don't need to know that stuff just yet. Continue reading …

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